The 6th – 12th Grade Youth Group meets on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month from 11:45 am – 1:00 pm, following the 10:30 worship service. The group sponsors a number of events during the year, joins in church activities, and takes mission trips together.
We believe that our youth are a vital part of our body of faith where they can develop a relationship with God and each other.
Youth Group

The Youth participate in a variety of church wide activities:
Mission Activities
Easter Egg Hunt and Pancakes with the Bunny – A free community event that is held close to Easter. Children (divided up by age groups) are invited to come find the eggs, eat pancakes and then visit with the Easter Bunny.
Food for Isaiah 58 – Fresh vegetables and fruits are brought to church the Sunday before Thanksgiving and placed on the altar. The Youth deliver the food to Isaiah 58 after worship and go out to eat.

Sheltered Workshop – This holiday event is held on the first Sunday in December. The youth help host a Christmas Party for adults who are differently-abled. Lunch is served, followed by a craft and lots of singing with Santa.
Trunk or Treat – The youth sponsor a fun, free evening open to the community. The night includes trick or treating, food, crafts, face painting, a hayride, and a bonfire.
Vacation Bible School – The youth help as crew leaders and station leaders for three Sundays in June.
Fundraiser Activities
• Trivia Night – The youth host a Trivia night in January to support the costs of a summer mission trip.
• Pizza Sales – Each February the Youth make pizzas which are sold on Super Bowl Sunday. Proceeds are used for youth group expenses.
Fellowship Activities
• Middle school retreat – 3rd weekend in November.
• Senior High School Retreat – Presidents’ weekend in February.
Youth Mission Trips
The Youth of St. Johns participate in an annual Summer Mission Trip. Most are within a 12-hour drive of St. Louis, however, every few years an international trip takes place.
Summer Church Camp
Camp Mo-Val is located in Union, MO and is a camp of the United Church of Christ. Each summer children, youth and adults experience God’s creation in new and exciting ways.