This group ministers to members of the congregation who are in frail health and are no longer able to attend church, by reaching out to them through visits, phone calls, cards
and prayers.
Living out God’s compassion for others.
Congregational Care Commission

Daily Devotional
Are you looking for a daily way to nurture your personal faith journey? Visit UCC Stillspeaking Daily Devotional
Prayer Chain
We uplift those in need of extra prayers, praying for the person at least once a day, for a week or much longer as needed. Call the church office (314.892.0848) if you have a prayer request.
Prayer Threads & Afghan Ministry
This small group knits & crochets shawls, lap robes and scarves for those in need of prayerful support. When a Prayer Thread is given, a letter is included to tell of our prayerful intent. That tangible item represents the prayers, love and support of the Congregation. Afghans are made for Nurses for Newborns, Bethesda Hospice and other organizations with the same prayerful intent to comfort.
Funeral Lunch Team
Refreshments or a light meal are offered in the Dining/Fellowship Hall to family and friends of deceased church members on the day of the funeral or memorial service.