St. Johns Women’s Fellowship was founded in 1860 and has been a vital part of the life of the church ever since. The group has changed names from Frauenverein to Ladies Aid to Women’s Guild to Women’s Fellowship, always a gathering for friendship and service. The group meets the first Thursday of each month for entertaining and informational programs.
We offer a wide variety of activities and events, as well as many opportunities to make new friends and enjoy old friends. Our style of hospitality features lots of good food and laughter. Come join the fun!
Organizations and Social Groups
Women's Fellowship

Men's Breakfast Club
This men’s group gathers for breakfast and fellowship on the third Monday of each month. Sometime it’s just breakfast and sometimes there is a discussion of one thing or another! They always have a good time sharing stories and life experiences.

Mary & Marthas
The women’s organization, formed in 1979 is a service group. Its efforts include leadership at the Spring and Fall Rummage Sales, as well as organizing and participating in a variety of St. Johns mission projects.

Several evenings a week our full-size gym is used for volleyball. We also have dartball teams that partcipate in a church league. Join a team and join the fun!

Womens Journey
Women’s Journey is the newest women’s group at St. Johns. The group meets once a month for both social and service projects. Members decorate the church at Christmas, cook soups for Lent, and support area mission ministries. Please join them for fun and fellowship.

Kings, Queens, & Jokers
This informal social group gathers to play games, especially cards during the afternoon twice a month. Everyone is welcome to join the fun!